Lizard Catcher For Catching
Lizards. Learn to catch lizards the easy way with our lizard catcher.
A piece of "grass" a couple knots and you have an effective trap:-)
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Lizard Catcher For Catching Lizards
The picture below on the left is a weed I've always called
"wild oats". It grows 3 to 4 feet tall. It is the one you can grab along
the bottom (in the picture) and pull upward. All the little seeds
come off on you hand and you can throw them. A lot of fun as I
remember growing up. This is the what you use for the basic stock.
Pick one whole stem about 3 to 4 feet long. Strip all the seeds
and branches off of the stalk. You now have one long stalk that
tapers down to a fine end about as thick as a thread. Maybe you
don't have wild oats where you live. Any weed that is similar
to what I described will do. It just has to be about 3 feet long
(1 meter) and finally tapers down to about thread diameter.
The second picture shows the trap (shown about two times actual
size). You make a loop and tie a knot so that the will slide open
and closed. For more of the idea of how that loop and knot are
formed, see the diagram below. Now tie a second knot in the loop.
You will still be able to slide the knot and make the loop bigger
and smaller. The knot is loose enough around the stem to slide
back and forth.
You now have a lizard catcher. Try it out on your finger. Put
your finger in the loop and then pull on the stem handle. The
noose will tighten around your finger. Are you beginning to get
the idea? Ok, you are ready to go out hunting lizards. When you
find one sneak up slowly. Move the noose slowly in front of the
lizard and then slip it over its head and around it's neck. Pull
the noose light with your long handle. You have just caught your
first lizard.
Since lizards frequently see moving grass, they just don't understand
that the approaching noose is not just another piece of grass
moving in the wind. You'll be amazed how easy it is to catch lizards
using this trick.
If you try this lizard catcher and have good luck with it, e-mail
me and let me know. I enjoy knowing my efforts here are helping
someone out there in cyberspace.
Here is a drawing of how the knots are tied just in case there's
any confusion. The first knot is tied around the main stalk. The
second knot is tied around the loop side and on top of the first
knot. You now have a double knot. the knot will slide so the loop
can be opened and closed.
Exciting News From Donaven
My name is Donaven and my Grandpa is helping me to type this
to you. Thank you for the lizard catcher that you had on your
WEB page. My Grampa helped me to make the lizard catcher and it
looked just like the one that you showed on your WEB page and
it worked great because I caught a big lizard in just five minuets.
My Grampa took a picture of the lizard so I could send it to you
so you could see it.
This is Grampa, Donaven is 5 years old and very advanced. He
was very excited about your lizard catcher and I was suppressed
how well it worked, a big thanks to you.
Thanks Donaven, you are the very first
let us know they tried the lizard catcher and that it worked real
well. I was really ecited to get your letter and picture.
Donaven sent us this picture to prove how good this lizard catcher
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